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Showing posts from March, 2023

Submit Your Manuscript: Global Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science

Artificial intelligence is a technique for teaching a computer, a robot operated by a computer, or software to think critically and creatively like a human mind. AI is achieved through examining the cognitive process and researching the patterns of the human brain. These research projects produce systems and software that are intelligent. Types of Artificial Intelligence  1.        Initially Reactive These machines, which specialize on a single line of work, have no memory or data to work with. For instance, when playing chess, the computer watches the moves and chooses the move that will give it the best chance of winning. 2.        Limited Memory s of the world of art the irony of the a. Although their memory is limited, they have enough experience or knowledge to make wise decisions. For instance, using the geographic information that has been acquired, this system can recommend a restaurant. 3.        Theories of Mind This sort of AI is able to communicate socially

Submit Your Manuscript: Global Journal of Pathology with Technology

To encourage the development, exchange, or sharing of information, including data and photographs, digital pathology is the application of information technology to the area of pathology . The primary goal is to simplify the intricate workflow for anatomical pathology from specimen receipt to report transmission (AP). AP information systems and digital image analysis systems, including image gathering and processing, are the two fundamental elements of digital pathology. Digital pathology , however, accomplishes more than just link scanners to AP data systems. In order to process and model the huge quantity of data included in WSIs, image analysis methods must be developed. This will enable collaboration between many departments and health care systems, which will benefit pathologists throughout their work. Pathology utilizes technology The biggest strides in pathology have been made through the application of genomic-based molecular techniques , including polymerase chain re

Submit Your Case Report: Global Journal of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention

Diabetes is a chronic condition that develops when the pancreas is unable to create insulin or when the body is unable to effectively utilize the insulin that is produced. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, functions as a key to allow glucose from food to enter the body's cells where it may be used to make energy. All food containing carbohydrates breaks down into glucose in the body. Insulin facilitates glucose uptake by cells. The majority of the food you consume is converted by your body into sugar (glucose), which is then released into your bloodstream. Your pancreas releases insulin when your blood sugar levels rise. In order for blood sugar to enter your body's cells and be used as energy, insulin functions like a key. Types of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes It is believed that an autoimmune reaction is what causes type 1 diabetes (the body attacks itself by mistake). Your body's production of insulin is stopped by this reaction. Type 1 diab

Submit your manuscript: Journals of Breast Cancer and Treatment

Breast cancer is a condition in which the breast's cells proliferate out of control. Breast cancer comes in several forms. Which breast cells develop into cancer determine the type of breast cancer. Several areas of the breast might give rise to breast cancer . There are three basic components of a breast: connective tissue, ducts, and lobules. The glands that generate milk are called lobules. Milk travels through tubes called ducts to the nipple. The connective tissue, which is made up of fatty and fibrous tissue, envelops and holds everything in place. The ducts or lobules are where most breast cancers start. Blood and lymph vessels are two ways that breast cancer can travel outside of the breast. Breast cancer is said to have metastasized when it spreads to other body regions. Breast cancer types The most typical types of breast cancer include— Invasive, infiltrating ductal carcinoma . This cancer begins in the milk ducts of your breast, penetrates the duct wall, and then spre

Submit Your Manuscript: Journals of Clinical Nursing and Home Care Safety

clinical nursing practise with a specialty in the care of people taking part in clinical research and the implementation of research. Clinical research nurses play a crucial role in ensuring participant safety, continuing maintenance of informed consent, integrity of protocol implementation, accuracy of data collecting and data recording, and follow-up in addition to providing and organising clinical care. Clinical indications, study criteria, data gathering, and research goals all influence the care that research participants get. A clinical nurse is a highly educated nurse leader who focuses on a particular area of practise. Some healthcare professionals refer to them as clinical nurse specialists. Clinical nurses assist other nurses in their job and have an impact on health care innovation both inside and outside of their organisation. They may also carry out standard nursing tasks like patient diagnosis and treatment, but they usually concentrate on consultation and research. C