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Submit Your Case Report: Global Journal of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention

Diabetes is a chronic condition that develops when the pancreas is unable to create insulin or when the body is unable to effectively utilize the insulin that is produced.

The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, functions as a key to allow glucose from food to enter the body's cells where it may be used to make energy. All food containing carbohydrates breaks down into glucose in the body. Insulin facilitates glucose uptake by cells.

The majority of the food you consume is converted by your body into sugar (glucose), which is then released into your bloodstream. Your pancreas releases insulin when your blood sugar levels rise. In order for blood sugar to enter your body's cells and be used as energy, insulin functions like a key.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

It is believed that an autoimmune reaction is what causes type 1 diabetes (the body attacks itself by mistake). Your body's production of insulin is stopped by this reaction. Type 1 diabetes affects between 5–10% of those who have the disease. Type 1 diabetes symptoms frequently appear suddenly. Typically, it is discovered in kids, teenagers, and young adults. You must take insulin every day to stay alive if you have type 1 diabetes. There is currently no cure for type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes

Your body struggles to properly utilise insulin in type 2 diabetes, making it difficult to maintain normal blood sugar levels. The majority of diabetics (90–95%) are type 2. It takes years to develop, and adults are typically diagnosed with it (but more and more in children, teens, and young adults). If you are at risk, it is crucial to have your blood sugar tested because you might not exhibit any symptoms. By adopting healthy lifestyle adjustments like these, type 2 diabetes can be avoided or postponed.

·         Losing weight.

·         Eating healthy food.

·         Being active.

Obstetric Diabetes

Women who have never had diabetes before who become pregnant can acquire gestational diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, your unborn child may be more susceptible to health issues. After your baby is born, gestational diabetes typically disappears. Yet, it raises your chance of developing type 2 diabetes in later life. Your child has a higher chance of being obese as a youngster or adolescent and going on to acquire type 2 diabetes.


Type 2 diabetes is managed by:

·         eating well

·         routine exercise

·         Loss of weight

·         Maybe insulin treatment or diabetic medication

·         taking blood sugar readings

By taking these actions, you can assist maintain your blood sugar levels near normal levels, which can help delay or stop issues.

Healthy eating

Contrary to popular belief, there is no special diet for those with diabetes. However, it's critical to focus your diet on:

·         A regular schedule for meals and healthy snacks

·         Smaller portion sizes

·         More high-fiber foods, such as fruits, nonstarchy vegetables and whole grains

·         Fewer refined grains, starchy vegetables and sweets

·         Modest servings of low-fat dairy, low-fat meats and fish

·         Healthy cooking oils, such as olive oil or canola oil

·         Fewer calories

Your doctor might advise that you consult a licenced dietician, who can:

·         Find nutritious options among your favourite foods.

·         Create nutritious, balanced meals.

·         Create new habits and remove obstacles to altering ones.

·         To maintain more stable blood sugar levels, keep an eye on your carbohydrate intake.

Diabetes prevention: 5 tips for taking control.

1.       Lose extra weight

Obesity lowers the risk of developing diabetes. Participants in one significant trial who lost roughly 7% of their body weight by dietary and exercise improvements saw a nearly 60% reduction in their chance of acquiring diabetes

2.       Be more physically active

              Regular exercise has a variety of advantages. Workout benefits include:

·         reduce weight

·         Decrease your blood sugar

·         Increasing your sensitivity to insulin will help you maintain a normal range for your blood sugar.

·         Most persons set the following objectives to encourage weight loss and keep a healthy weight:

Aerobic activity. Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate to strenuous aerobic activity each week, which should include at least 30 minutes of brisk walking, swimming, bicycling, or running.

A resistance workout. Your strength, balance, and capacity to lead an active life are all improved by resistance training, which you should do at least 2 to 3 times per week. Yoga, callisthenics, and weightlifting are all forms of resistance training.

Limited inactivity. Long periods of inactivity, such working at a computer, can be broken up to assist manage blood sugar levels. Every 30 minutes, spend a few minutes standing up, moving around, or engaging in some light exercise.

3.       Eat healthy plant foods

Plants supply your food with vitamins, minerals, and carbs. Sugars, starches, and fibre are all types of carbohydrates. They are the sources of energy for your body. Roughage and bulk are other terms for dietary fibre, which is the portion of plant foods that your body cannot digest or absorb.

Foods high in fibre encourage weight loss and reduce the incidence of diabetes. Consume a range of wholesome, high-fiber foods, such as:

fruits from trees, such as tomatoes, peppers, and other berries

Non-starchy vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, and leafy greens

Beans, chickpeas, and lentils are examples of legumes.

Whole grains, such as quinoa, whole-grain rice, whole-grain oats, and whole-wheat pasta and bread

4.       Eat healthy fats

Since fatty meals are heavy in calories, they should only be consumed occasionally. Your diet should contain a range of foods with unsaturated fats, also referred to as "good fats," to aid in weight loss and management.

5.       Skip fad diets and make healthier choices

Several fad diets, including the paleo, keto, and glycemic index diets, may aid in weight loss. However, there is little information available regarding the long-term advantages of these diets or their use in preventing diabetes.


Exercising lessens the diabetes's long-term consequences and overall severity. In fact, if incorporated into daily life, a well-planned and consistent fitness programme can be highly beneficial, especially if one has diabetes. The benefits of exercise include blood sugar control without the need for additional medication.

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