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Submit your manuscript: Journals of Breast Cancer and Treatment

Breast cancer is a condition in which the breast's cells proliferate out of control. Breast cancer comes in several forms. Which breast cells develop into cancer determine the type of breast cancer.

Several areas of the breast might give rise to breast cancer. There are three basic components of a breast: connective tissue, ducts, and lobules. The glands that generate milk are called lobules. Milk travels through tubes called ducts to the nipple. The connective tissue, which is made up of fatty and fibrous tissue, envelops and holds everything in place. The ducts or lobules are where most breast cancers start.

Blood and lymph vessels are two ways that breast cancer can travel outside of the breast. Breast cancer is said to have metastasized when it spreads to other body regions.

Breast cancer types

The most typical types of breast cancer include—

Invasive, infiltrating ductal carcinoma. This cancer begins in the milk ducts of your breast, penetrates the duct wall, and then spreads to the breast tissue nearby. This is the most prevalent kind of breast cancer, accounting for around 80% of all occurrences.

In situ ductal carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma in situ, also known as Stage 0 breast cancer, is regarded by some as precancerous because the cells haven't moved past your milk ducts. This illness is remarkably curable. To stop the cancer from becoming invasive and spreading to other tissues, immediate treatment is required.

Invasive (infiltrating) lobular cancer. Your breast's lobules, where breast milk is produced, are the origin of this malignancy, which has since migrated to nearby breast tissue. 10% to 15% of breast cancers are caused by it.

The lobules of your breast have abnormal cells called lobular carcinoma in situ, which is a precancerous disease. Although it isn't a true cancer, this sign may be a precursor to breast cancer in the future. Thus, routine clinical breast exams and mammography are crucial for women with lobular carcinoma in situ.

Breast cancer with three negatives (TNBC). Triple negative breast cancer, which accounts for 15% of all cases, is one of the hardest breast cancers to cure. Because it lacks three of the indicators linked to other types of breast cancer, it is known as triple negative breast cancer. This makes diagnosis and therapy challenging.

Breast cancer that is inflammatory. This kind of cancer is uncommon and severe, and it seems infectious. Redness, swelling, pitting, and dimpling of the breast skin are typical symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer. It is brought on by obstructive cancer cells in the lymphatic passages under their skin.

Breast Paget's disease. Your nipple and areola's skin are both affected by this cancer (the skin around your nipple).

Can cancer form in other parts of the breast?

In most cases, when we refer to "breast cancer," we mean tumours that develop in milk ducts or lobules. Other breast regions are also susceptible to developing cancer, though less frequently. They may consist of:

·         Angiosarcoma. This uncommon kind of cancer starts in the cells that line blood arteries or lymphatic vessels.

·         tumours with phyllodes. Phyllodes tumours, which begin in the connective tissue, are uncommon. They are often benign (noncancerous), but occasionally they can be malignant (cancerous).

What causes breast cancer?

As abnormal cells in your breast proliferate and grow, breast cancer develops. Yet, specialists are unsure of the precise trigger for this process to start in the first place.

But, according to study, there are a number of risk factors that could raise your risk of having breast cancer. They consist of:

·         Age. Your risk of breast cancer rises if you are 55 or older.

·         Sex. Breast cancer is far more common in women than in men.

·         genealogy and genetics. You have a higher chance of getting breast cancer at some point in your life if your parents, siblings, children, or other close relatives have. Genetic testing can reveal that 5% to 10% of breast cancers are caused by a single faulty gene that is handed down from parents to children.

·         Smoking. Breast cancer is one of the many cancers that tobacco usage has been related to.

·         using alcohol. According to research, drinking alcohol may make you more likely to get particular types of breast cancer.

·         Obesity. Obesity can raise your risk of developing breast cancer and having it return.

·         exposure to radiation. You are more likely to get breast cancer if you've previously undergone radiation therapy, especially to the head, neck, or chest.

·         replacement therapy for hormones. Utilizers of hormone replacement treatment (HRT) are more likely to get breast cancer.

How is breast cancer treated?

Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted medication therapy are just a few of the breast cancer treatments available. The position and size of the tumour, the outcomes of your lab tests, and if the cancer has spread to other regions of your body are just a few of the variables that will determine what's best for you. Your treatment plan will be customised by your healthcare professional to meet your individual needs. Receiving a combination of many treatments is not unusual.

Breast cancer surgery

An area of healthy tissue surrounding the tumour as well as the diseased section of your breast are removed during breast cancer surgery. Depending on your circumstances, there are various forms of surgery, including:

·         Lumpectomy. A lumpectomy, often known as a partial mastectomy, involves the removal of the tumour and a thin margin of healthy tissue surrounding it. Most often, a few lymph nodes in the breast or beneath the arm are also removed for analysis. In the weeks following a lumpectomy, radiation therapy is frequently administered to the patient.

·         Mastectomy. Another choice is to have your entire breast removed. Doctors may occasionally conduct a nipple-sparing mastectomy to protect your areola and nipple (the dark skin around your nipple). Many women opt for either an immediate or delayed procedure.

·         biopsy of a sentinel node. The sentinel node biopsy was created to avoid the needless removal of a significant number of lymph nodes that are not affected by the cancer because early detection of breast cancer typically results in the lymph nodes being negative (for cancer).

·         lymph nodes in the axilla. An axillary lymph node dissection may be performed to remove any lymph nodes that the malignancy has spread to. Many of the lymph nodes under your arm must be removed (your axilla).

·         radical mastectomy modified. Your entire breast as well as your nipple are removed during this treatment. Your chest muscles are not affected, but nearby lymph nodes under your arms are taken out. If desired, breast reconstruction is frequently an option.

·         extreme mastectomy. Nowadays, unless the breast cancer has gone to your chest wall muscles, this surgery is rarely used. A radical mastectomy involves the complete removal of your breast, nipple, underarm lymph nodes, and chest wall muscles by your surgeon.

Conclusion. Early detection and risk reduction are two crucial components of breast cancer prevention. Screening may detect early-stage noninvasive tumours that can be treated before they spread to the body or early-stage invasive cancers that can be treated.

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