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Submit Your Manuscript: Global Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science

Artificial intelligence is a technique for teaching a computer, a robot operated by a computer, or software to think critically and creatively like a human mind. AI is achieved through examining the cognitive process and researching the patterns of the human brain. These research projects produce systems and software that are intelligent.

Types of Artificial Intelligence 

1.       Initially Reactive

These machines, which specialize on a single line of work, have no memory or data to work with. For instance, when playing chess, the computer watches the moves and chooses the move that will give it the best chance of winning.

2.       Limited Memory

s of the world of art the irony of the a. Although their memory is limited, they have enough experience or knowledge to make wise decisions. For instance, using the geographic information that has been acquired, this system can recommend a restaurant.

3.       Theories of Mind

This sort of AI is able to communicate socially and comprehend thoughts and emotions. A machine based on this type hasn't yet been created, though.

Learning Machines

AI has the capacity to learn thanks to machine learning. Algorithms are used to do this by mining the data they are exposed to for patterns and insights.

Advanced Learning

AI can simulate the neural network of the human brain thanks to deep learning, a branch of machine learning. It can help make sense of the data's patterns, noise, and sources of misunderstanding.

Why use artificial intelligence (AI)?

Before learning about artificial intelligence, we need be aware of its significance and the reasons for learning about it. These are three primary justifications for learning about AI:

You can develop software or hardware with the aid of AI that can quickly and accurately address a variety of real-world problems, including those relating to traffic, marketing, and health.

You may develop your own custom virtual personal assistant using AI, just like Cortana, Siri, Google Assistant, etc.

AI can be used to create robots that can function in environments where human lives may be at jeopardy.

AI paves the way for new products, new technology, and new opportunities.


The comprehensive study of computers is known as computer science, which takes a generalist approach to subjects including algorithms, programming languages, artificial intelligence (sometimes abbreviated as "AI," or "machine learning"), and many others. In a nutshell, machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence, which is itself a branch of computer science.

Artificial intelligence, once the stuff of science fiction, is now becoming more and more a reality thanks to decades of scientific advancements. The term "artificial intelligence" (AI) is now frequently used to refer to two different concepts: first, the scientific process of creating machines that are able to make decisions inductively, much like humans; and second, the result, or the intelligence displayed by machines as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.

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