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Showing posts from February, 2023

Submit your manuscript: Global Journal of Digital Pathology and AI

 Acquisition, management, dissemination, and interpretation of pathology information, including data and slides, are all included in digital pathology . Glass slides are scanned using a scanning technology to make digital slides, which are high-resolution digital images that may be seen on a computer or mobile device. A diagnostic field is known as histopathology developed on the visual interpretation of cellular biology depicted in photographs. The introduction of digital images to pathology has transformed this historical discipline into what is now known as digital pathology (DP). Real-time sharing of digital images and video streams allows for telepathology between nearby hospitals,  Pathology AI (Artificial Intelligence) A pathology AI system is a piece of software that offers automated pathology or aids pathologists in their work. A pathology AI system's main function is to use machine learning and image analysis to interpret digital slide images. Machine learning enabl

Publish your paper: Global Research Journal of Pharmacology & Toxicology

  Publish your paper : Global Research Journal of Pharmacology & Toxicology Pharmacology is a field of study that examines how medications and naturally occurring mediators affect cells and the entire organism. Pharmacy is a distinct field of study in the health sciences that is frequently confused with pharmacology. Pharmacy makes use of the information from pharmacology to properly prepare and dispense medications in order to get the best therapeutic results. The science of pharmacology integrates several other fields, including genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and physiology. The molecular understanding of signal transduction and transmission processes that control and obstruct particular cell functions is the primary goal of the pharmaceutical sciences. The development of novel medicines and treatment plans for a variety of disease processes is a key goal of our research programmes. This can be done, for instance, by disrupting particular cell surface receptor a

Global Research Journal of Child Health and Nutrition

  Global Research Journal of Child Health and Nutrition   Child health refers to the treatment and care of children. Pediatrics, is responsible for looking after children's health. Prior to that, general medicine , obstetrics, and midwifery all dealt with the care and treatment of childhood illnesses. A nutritious, well-balanced diet benefits children's bodies as well as their minds. The appropriate nutrients can enhance mental clarity, memory, and focus. These 10 "superfoods" on the next slides can help kids increase their brainpower because, like the body, the brain absorbs nutrients from the foods we eat. Common child health issues Allergies When a material in the environment that is often safe to most people, such as foods, insect stings, dust mites, animals, or pollen, your  child's immune system responds , causing an allergy. If you suspect your child may be allergic, consult your doctor. Asthma If your child has asthma, they may wheeze loudl

Global Journal of the Cause of Cancer

  Global Journal of the Cause of Cancer Cancer and other noncommunicable illnesses are at risk from tobacco use, alcohol usage, poor diet, physical inactivity, and air pollution. Cancer risk factors include some chronic infections, which is a problem in low- and middle-income nations. Genetic alterations that induce unchecked cell growth and tumour formation are the root cause of cancer . The primary causes of sporadic (non-familial) malignancies are genomic instability and DNA damage. Genetic mutations that are inherited cause a small percentage of malignancies. The majority of malignancies are caused by environmental, behavioural, or lifestyle exposures. Despite the fact that oncoviruses and cancer germs can cause cancer in people, the disease is typically not communicable. Researchers studying cancer refer to anything that interacts with people outside of the body as "environmental." The environment encompasses lifestyle and behavioural influences in addition to the bi

Global Journal of Digital Pathology & AI

What is Digital Pathology A branch of pathology called " digital pathology" focuses on data management using data derived from digitalized specimen slides. Virtual microscopy is used in digital pathology thanks to computer-based technology. Slides made of glass are transformed into digital slides that may be controlled, shared, and examined on a computer screen. The field of digital pathology is expanding and has applications in diagnostic medicine with the use of Whole-Slide Imaging (WSI), which is another name for virtual microscopy, with the aim of achieving effective and affordable diagnoses, prognosis, and disease prediction due to the success in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. A wide range of clinical applications, including diagnosis of frozen sections, primary histopathological diagnosis, second opinion diagnosis, subspecialty pathology diagnosis, education, competency evaluation, and research, are currently being carried out using digital patholog