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Global Research Journal of Child Health and Nutrition

 Global Research Journal of Child Health and Nutrition

 Child health refers to the treatment and care of children. Pediatrics, is responsible for looking after children's health. Prior to that, general medicine, obstetrics, and midwifery all dealt with the care and treatment of childhood illnesses.

A nutritious, well-balanced diet benefits children's bodies as well as their minds. The appropriate nutrients can enhance mental clarity, memory, and focus. These 10 "superfoods" on the next slides can help kids increase their brainpower because, like the body, the brain absorbs nutrients from the foods we eat.

Common child health issues


When a material in the environment that is often safe to most people, such as foods, insect stings, dust mites, animals, or pollen, your child's immune system responds, causing an allergy. If you suspect your child may be allergic, consult your doctor.


If your child has asthma, they may wheeze loudly when breathing, feel out of breath when exercising or just lying down, have a chronic dry cough, or cough both during exercise and at night.


Youngsters are susceptible to colds up to once every month. Fluids, comfort, and rest are usually the best treatments. Antibiotics are useless. If you're concerned that it's a serious condition rather than a cold


An infection of the eyelid and conjunctiva is conjunctivitis. Red, swollen, sticky, and painful eyes are symptoms. Although allergic conjunctivitis is not communicable, bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are both exceedingly contagious.

food allergies

A reaction to a food you've consumed causes food intolerances. Bloating, diarrhoea, and stomach pain are among the symptoms, which typically go away on their own.


Children frequently contract gastroenteritis ('gastro'). Diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, and fever are some of the symptoms. Although the majority of paediatric gastroenteritis occurrences are not dangerous, it is still crucial to make sure your child drinks enough fluids.

Childhood Nutrition Facts

For optimal growth and development as well as to prevent numerous illnesses, children and teenagers need to eat healthily. People who are 2 years old or older consume foods that fit into the following 2 healthy eating patterns:


a range of vegetables and fruits.

whole grains.

dairy products with low fat and no fat.

various protein-rich foods.


These recommendations urge people to consume fewer calories from added sweets and solid fats, which are significant sources of saturated and trans fatty acids.

Advantages of Eating Healthily

Good eating can help people reach and maintain a healthy body weight, absorb vital nutrients, and lower their chance of contracting diseases like 1, 2.


elevated blood pressure

heart illness.

diabetes type 2.



iron shortage

dental decay (cavities).

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